The trick was to fit the photos on. In order for them to fit properly, the photo needs to be just under 4x6" so that the edge of the photo doesn't go off the side of the cube. I cut 1/16" from one side and the top or bottom of the picture. Once I cut the picture into sixes, it was super easy to fit onto the cubes. To add some flourish to the photos, I stamped different images using Staz-On and let them dry before adhering the pictures onto the cubes.
The final step was to add paper to the tray that the cubes sit in. I added some sparkly ribbon and a buckle around the outside to finish it off.
If you would like to order your own Rock the Block Stamp set and Collage Cubes for only $15, check out the CTMH flyer here and then email me before January 31 with your order or any questions.
Thanks for stopping by!